I’m curious to know...
Who fully understands the impacts of modern slavery? And why is it such a complex issue for organisations in Australia, and globally?
I’ve noticed recently that many people still don’t see how modern slavery could impact their business or organisation.
When I pose the below questions, most people are unsure of the answers when it comes to their own organisation:
Do you and your staff understand what modern slavery is, how it operates within the Australian marketplace, and the requirements of the Australia Modern Slavery Act for your organisation?
Is your organisation or supply chain at risk of modern slavery?
What would you do if your organisation discovered a case of modern slavery within its supply chain?

If you’re also unsure of how modern slavery impacts your company, August Consulting can help. We have the experience, tools, and systems to support organisations to understand, assess, and mitigate the risk of modern slavery.
If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out.
This is a good reminder, with the first reporting period now concluded and Modern Slavery Statements needing to be prepared by 31 March 2021, affected organisations will need to be able to describe the risks of modern slavery practices in their operations and supply chains. Your statement will need to describe what actions have been taken to assess and address those risks, including demonstrate the due diligence and remediation processes you are putting in place.
Modern slavery can occur in every industry and sector and has severe consequences for victims. Modern slavery also distorts global markets, undercuts responsible business and can pose significant legal and reputational risks to entities.